
written for my roommate's birthday

A is for Anita
Little and kind
Generous and sweet
With a really great mind

N is for needing
The Lord by her side
Always constant in prayer
She seeks to abide

I is for immeasurable
The worth of her soul
Jesus redeemed her
Now she’s made whole

T is for teachable
She’s honest and real
Love for the Scriptures
Is known by her zeal

A is for Always
Covered in grace
Waiting for her Savior
Whom she’ll see face to face

Your laughter is gorgeous
Your singing, what fun!
I pray you’ll press on
Till this race is done

Hold tightly to Him
Your faith he perfects
He will guide your way
He faithfully protects

God constantly changes
Molds into and makes
A beautiful woman
His own for His sake

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very nice - hope the bday party was grrrreat! - continuing l & p , mom