

my precious housemate had her chinese ben lippen high school leadership team over last night. six christians, some who came to know the Lord last year through a ministry that she led. they were wonderful. i immediately enjoyed being around them. unfortunately, i didn't stay because i had been invited elsewhere and anita had previously told me that they would probably speak mandarin the entire time. i am excited that they will be coming often though, reminds me of chuuk a little.

i was off to a birthday party for my friend betsy who is an mk from colombia. she is living with a very very close friend of mine jennie who is from encinitas and lived in costa rica for awhile. their other apartmentmate is carrie who lived in mali as a nurse for a couple years (and is coming over to my house on thursday for dinner.) jennie asked me to pick up her friend ray on campus because he doesn't have a car. he is from costa rica. suffice it to say, even though we just met, we laughed our faces off all the way to the party. the other people that were there was a couple from sweden (andreas and sarah - precious!), rebecca (another mk from colombia), kristi (an mk from the philippines and taught in china for a couple years), a couple that betsy had met through an international ministry where the wife was from ecuador and the husband american, and mac. it was so much fun. ray and i were the last to leave at almost midnight.

praise the Lord.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

since you are majoring in tesl and intercultural studies this sounds as if you are in the perfect place! God is so wise ... and He delights in our joy. l & p mom