
Prayer Requests

  • Isaiah exegesis - I love it, it's just a lot of work and time.
  • Translation homework - Again, I love it, just a lot of time and effort.
  • Picture File - It's due on Friday and I've barely started. Pray I do it well and get all the pictures I need to. That it's organized well, looks cool, and will be helpful for teaching.
  • LESSON PLAN - My first lesson plan is due on Thursday (my first day of teaching is on Monday.) I am lost, quite frankly. We start from absolute scratch. There is no curriculum. We make it up ourselves. I'm teaching Level One students who don't know much of anything. I know this is the reason why I'm doing practicum and taking a techniques course so that I learn how to do all this but I haven't learned it yet! Please, pray for me.
  • Teaching on Monday - For good relationships with my students.
  • Anita (my housemate) and me - We're going through a lot of emotional stuff right now and our hearts are heavy and if we're not cracking up, we're sobbing. And yet we both have incredibly full loads and lots of things that we know we need to be accomplishing in our lives as well.
  • For broken relationships, especially one particular one. I got angry and hurt and let my evil mouth run away. Pray for restoration and peace.
  • Time with the Lord. Truly, He puts things in perspective, gives hope, grace, and peace. I am tired but pray that being with Him is better than anything.

Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am praying - God is listening - He is wise, kind, and loving .... I appreciate the requests to enhance and embolden my prayers - l + p, mom