

(in no specific order)

...susana (my last year landlord's wife) taught me how to make spanish tortilla. so yummy! one day i had it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

...i babysat the letexier kids last night. we played spy and it reminded me my childhood. then we played an extremely long game of double trouble.

...i have been going to riverland hills baptist church since the start of the semester. at about 3,000 people i was surprised to have never heard about it before. the big news: i joined the choir (well for christmas anyway)! it has been a wonderful gift that God has given to me. choir practice on wednesday nights are absolutely wonderful, i never want them to end. i finally encouraged my friend karen to join me and she is now hooked as well. and last weekend when we had friends over, my new friend manyen from taiwan found out that i was in a church choir and said that was one of the only things she prayed to be a part of when she came to the united states. so i took her with me last wednesday - haha! she had a great time and will be coming back with me next week. i'm so happy. the choir director laughed when he saw me with two friends last week, using the word "friendly" to describe me. i found that quite hilarious.

...i did microteaching in my techniques class a week ago and surprisingly fell right into teacher mode despite the fact that i was esl teaching my english speaking peers. it was fun. but then i had to be student for other people's microteaching and let's just on a friday afternoon, i was reprimanded more than, uh, three times for not paying attention. i felt bad. i tried to be better this past friday but unfortunately still was reprimanded. good thing our real professor, joe (my landlord from last year), is more casual... or something.

...my real esl teaching is still coming along. each week of writing my lesson plans is a little better - praise the Lord! tomorrow dr. hislop will be sitting in on my class. so even though he's the most precious professor in the whole world (i am not kidding), i am still kinda scared.

...i love my housemate.

...Jesus loves me.

...i invited 30 (no joke!) people over to my house on saturday night for a mexican potluck - woohoo! i think there will probably be around 15 but we'll still have a grand time. ah, my stomach can hardly wait.

...the video below was made just because. i really really like that song because of the words (words that have been so good to engrave on my heart right now) and because of the musicality. i hope you enjoy as well.

...on tuesday i met with a really awesome christar lady about teaching esl in iraq. very interesting... and then she told me her brother was the wycliffe recruiter for indonesia. we are now in e-mail correspondence. pray the Lord clearly directs, i wait patiently, and i am eager to do whatever He asks. (pray, too, that i can have a human companion this summer. i will go alone [because it will be with Jesus] if He asks me to but for many many reasons, i would really love to have a human companion with me too.)

...Praise HIM!

choir anthem lyrics

When you're up against a struggle that shatters all your dreams,
and your hopes have been cruelly crushed by Satan's manifested scheme;
And you feel the urge within you to submit to earthly fears,
don't let the faith you're standin' in seem to disappear.
Praise the Lord, He can work through those who praise Him;
Praise the Lord, for our God inhabits praise.
Praise the Lord, for the chains that seem to bind you
serve only to remind you that they are powerless behind you
when you praise Him.
Now Satan is a liar and he wants to make us think that we are paupers,
when he knowshimself we're children of the King.
So lift up the mighty shield of faith for the battle must be won;
We know that Jesus Christ is risen, so the work's already done.
Praise the Lord, He can work through those who praise Him;
Praise the Lord, for our God inhabits praise.
Praise the Lord, for the chains that seem to bind you
serve only to remind you that they are powerless behind you
when you praise Him.


written for my roommate's birthday

A is for Anita
Little and kind
Generous and sweet
With a really great mind

N is for needing
The Lord by her side
Always constant in prayer
She seeks to abide

I is for immeasurable
The worth of her soul
Jesus redeemed her
Now she’s made whole

T is for teachable
She’s honest and real
Love for the Scriptures
Is known by her zeal

A is for Always
Covered in grace
Waiting for her Savior
Whom she’ll see face to face

Your laughter is gorgeous
Your singing, what fun!
I pray you’ll press on
Till this race is done

Hold tightly to Him
Your faith he perfects
He will guide your way
He faithfully protects

God constantly changes
Molds into and makes
A beautiful woman
His own for His sake



this is the testimony of sweet natalie. i first talked to her in my isaiah class. very gentle, truthful, and so extremely full of joy. you would have to meet her to understand how incredible she is. we were talking about signs in isaiah one day and dr. luc brought up about praying "oh, Lord, if this person is "the one" have them sit next to me in class today" (or something like that) and how that is not what God means a lot of the time by giving us a sign. a few stories were shared though about God doing things very similar to that in people's lives and one of them was natalie's. i think everyone in class was laughing and crying by the time she finished. i don't have time to share that story with you but yesterday in chaplain's chapel to the women natalie shared a brief testimony. i'll let her tell you.

"Today I want to share with you two things that have been key for me in growing in my identity with Christ. Trusting in God's sovereignty has been so very important for me. When baby's are born doctors assign them a number based upon their overall health - the highest, I believe, is either a ten or an eleven. Well, I was an 11, a perfectly healthy baby. However, within thirty minutes, all that changed and they found me in my crib unattended and not breathing. As a result of a lack of oxygen, I live daily with speech difficulties, a different walk, and other difficulties. Girls, it is knowing in the depths of my soul that He was with me then, when I was alone and not breathing and that He is with me now that gives me the strength and joy in the midst of difficulty. Knowing that I am exactly how God needs me to be allows me to continue to walk into rooms of people who constantly measure each other on external realities. Knowing that God makes no mistakes gives me confidence in a world where I should have none.

The other key that has been crucial in developing my identity in Christ is believing that God is able to do anything! I came to CIU right after high school in 1999. That year our year verse was Eph. 3:20, "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to this power that is at work within us." Every day I would walk into chapel, looking at that verse and believing that God was able to do the impossible in my life. One area that seemed so very impossible for me on many levels was marriage. God was able to do far beyond what I could imagine. This summer, Kevin, my husband and I celebrated five years of marriage. A marriage filled with closeness, safety, and laughter.

My tenth year high school reunion is fast approaching. I bet one thing that my classmates remember about me is that I used to cry a lot in school. I think partly due to my home, the cruelty of kids, and being overwhelmed physically. But here again, God has done the impossible. Girls, I am about to graduate with my master's in pastoral counseling. I want to giggle. God has taken me, who was labeled in second grade as socially inept, and is making me a counselor. God is taking my weakness and it is becoming strength in His hands.

In closing, I just want to say that finding my identity in Christ has been and will continue to be a process. What a sense of joy and freedom I have experienced in knowing that He will continue to grow and mold me until I see His face."


1st day of teaching

I had 4 students today: Soonja, Saray, Debora, and Wendy. I think my interaction with them went well considering that it was a first day of a new teaching situation. It is my lesson plans from scratch that need help. You can pray for that. And please pray for relationships to be built even though I will only see them once a week. Hopefully next week Primitiva and Franz will be there as well.

God can be trusted.

Columbia and Chuuk


My light was off, I was listening to my iPod, just about to go to sleep and I felt this huge thing on my head. Yup. And when I turned on the light there was another one on the wall right above my head. I pretty much was screaming bloody murder, but so was Anita when I showed her. It took us about an hour to finally kill one of them. We lost the other one. I spent the night on the sofa in the living room ...with the light on.


"Until a person or a nation is convinced of God's complete trustworthiness, they cannot lay aside the lust for their own security and become God's servant." - John N. Oswalt


Prayer Requests

  • Isaiah exegesis - I love it, it's just a lot of work and time.
  • Translation homework - Again, I love it, just a lot of time and effort.
  • Picture File - It's due on Friday and I've barely started. Pray I do it well and get all the pictures I need to. That it's organized well, looks cool, and will be helpful for teaching.
  • LESSON PLAN - My first lesson plan is due on Thursday (my first day of teaching is on Monday.) I am lost, quite frankly. We start from absolute scratch. There is no curriculum. We make it up ourselves. I'm teaching Level One students who don't know much of anything. I know this is the reason why I'm doing practicum and taking a techniques course so that I learn how to do all this but I haven't learned it yet! Please, pray for me.
  • Teaching on Monday - For good relationships with my students.
  • Anita (my housemate) and me - We're going through a lot of emotional stuff right now and our hearts are heavy and if we're not cracking up, we're sobbing. And yet we both have incredibly full loads and lots of things that we know we need to be accomplishing in our lives as well.
  • For broken relationships, especially one particular one. I got angry and hurt and let my evil mouth run away. Pray for restoration and peace.
  • Time with the Lord. Truly, He puts things in perspective, gives hope, grace, and peace. I am tired but pray that being with Him is better than anything.

Thank you.


Gracia Burnham

She spoke in chapel today. Watch an intro. video here.


more about Isaiah from Oswalt

"Isaiah is a book of contrasts. Again and again polar opposite are played off against each other, as is apparent from even cursory study of the first six chapters. Some of the contrasts are: divine glory versus human degradation; judgment versus redemption; height versus depth; God's wisdom versus the idols' stupidity; fecundity (yeah, I had to look that up) and abundance versus barrenness and desolation; arrogance versus humility. ...There is no reason to conclude that the author is merely enamored with a literary device. Rather, as is clear from ch. 6, his whole pattern of thought has been affected by the tremendous contrast between the greatness of God and the corruption of humanity. But caught up with this contrast is the amazing paradox that if humanity will lay aside its pretensions to deity, the true God will raise us to fellowship with himself. These two thoughts form the heart of the book's theology.

(Speaking of the theology of God in the book of Isaiah) ...But [God's] greatness is not merely in his power; it is also in his ability to stoop. Conquerors cannot bend down to the lowly; the God of eternity is mighty enough to do so. Isaiah seems to be saying that if humanity could ever glimpse the true picture of God's greatness and glory, our problem would be o its way to being solved. ...Above everything else the realization which struck the prophet in his call experience (ch. 6) was the realization of the terrifying "otherness" of God. ...Because of his faithfulness, because he alone is the Maker, and because he will do what is right, he may be trusted to redeem; and his willingness to redeem against all the odds will be the vindication of his holiness as well as the expression of it. Refusal to trust in him is in fact a denial of his holiness. Finally, it is God's purpose that his people should share his character. ...God is free to do anything, even something brand new, to serve his sovereign, faithful purposes.

(Speaking of the theology of humanity and the world in the book of Isaiah) ...The harder we try to make ourselves something, the more like nothing we become. Isaiah notes frequently that it is God who smashes these pretensions. And so it is. ...Though they tried to exclude the Holy One from their computations, he was too real to be so excluded. ...On the other hand, just as pretensions to significance must lead to insignificance for creation, so will the giving of true significance to God result in glory for humanity and the world. ...When God, the personal Creator, is exalted as Holy Lord, the purposeful Maker, then the universe is a place of value and significance. Likewise, human beings are important because God chooses to make them reflections of his glory and to share his holy character with them. Are the failures and atrocities of humanity signs of its fundamental worthlessness? No, they are the results of refusals to let God be Lord. If we will allow him his rightful place, then redemption, exaltation, and glory are ours.

(Speaking of the theology of sin in the book of Isaiah) ...God is the only Lord, and the only Holy One. He has made all things for his sovereign purposes; he is directing history to its final conclusion of universal health and peace. How incredible, then, that human being, the work of his hands, should stand up against him and say no! Yet we have done so, and all the evil in the world springs from that refusal to accept God's fundamental lordship. ...For Isaiah this rebellion is an expression of human pride. We refuse to accept our creatureliness; we refuse to admit that we are dependent. ...The fruit of alienation, unfaithfulness, and oppression is destruction - the rampant self seeks to destroy everything it cannot control.

(Speaking of the theology of judgment and redemption in the book of Isaiah) ...God is not content for judgment to be the last word. ...According to Isaiah, the basis of redemption lies precisely in the faithfulness of a God who is willing to let his anger go and is unwilling that his people should be estranged from him. ..Thus it is plain that the means of salvation can only be through God's activity. Humanity is helpless to redeem itself in God's sight or even to change its behavior. ...Who is this atoning One through whom redemption comes? It is the ideal king, the promised anointed one (Messiah). This picture of the one who suffers with his people, redeems his people, rules over his people, and suffers for his people gives a total view of the means whereby God expects to deliver his people from both the causes and the effects of sin. ...The conditions for redemption are everywhere the same in the book: a renunciation of one's own pride and a corresponding acknowledgment of God's sole rulership, an acceptance of God's provision for deliverance, and a willingness to function as God's servant. ..Redemption is not merely people's deliverance from the guilt of past sins, but also the sharing of his holy character. ...Sin produces degradation, but submission produces glory. ...God alone is truly glorious. ...But God does not want us to destroy ourselves; rather, he wishes to impart his glory to all who will abandon their trust in themselves, accept his free grace, and commit themselves to righteous living. It is the servants of the Holy who find true glory. To be redeemed, in Isaiah's view, is to have gladly accepted the role of servant."

And this is only a highlight of what I read. Ugh. So good.

a really good sammich

toast two slices of country oat bread in the toaster. after, put one piece of toast in the microwave with two slices of pepper jack cheese on it for 15 seconds. take out of microwave and layer with fresh guacamole, chicken breast lunch meat, and tomato slices. on the other piece of toast add a small spreading of yellow mustard. top the sandwich, cut in half, and eat each bite with your eyes closed and a (closed) smile on your face.


my precious housemate had her chinese ben lippen high school leadership team over last night. six christians, some who came to know the Lord last year through a ministry that she led. they were wonderful. i immediately enjoyed being around them. unfortunately, i didn't stay because i had been invited elsewhere and anita had previously told me that they would probably speak mandarin the entire time. i am excited that they will be coming often though, reminds me of chuuk a little.

i was off to a birthday party for my friend betsy who is an mk from colombia. she is living with a very very close friend of mine jennie who is from encinitas and lived in costa rica for awhile. their other apartmentmate is carrie who lived in mali as a nurse for a couple years (and is coming over to my house on thursday for dinner.) jennie asked me to pick up her friend ray on campus because he doesn't have a car. he is from costa rica. suffice it to say, even though we just met, we laughed our faces off all the way to the party. the other people that were there was a couple from sweden (andreas and sarah - precious!), rebecca (another mk from colombia), kristi (an mk from the philippines and taught in china for a couple years), a couple that betsy had met through an international ministry where the wife was from ecuador and the husband american, and mac. it was so much fun. ray and i were the last to leave at almost midnight.

praise the Lord.