
last night

I was watching an NCAA basketball game, San Diego vs. UConn, and Hannah knocks on my door and says, "Kalee! It's me!" (She can't pronounce [d] in my name.) So I let her in and she sits next to me on my little couch to watch the rest of the basketball game. And she's just sitting there grinning at me like she is the coolest kid in the world. Lucas comes down a few minutes later looking for her and finds her sitting next to me. He says to her, "Hannah, what are you doing in here?" And he keeps repeating it over and over again because she normally shouldn't be downstairs unless one of her parents is down there too. Eventually Marcus shows up, the basketball game ends (SD wins!), and we start a game of war with the cards. Marcus wins and then they want me to teach them another game. Instead I show them the only card trick I know, then I teach Lucas how to do it and he goes upstairs to show his dad. I go with him. Now I'm upstairs and it's about 6:30. ...Three and a half hours later I go back downstairs. And there are Marcus and Lucas playing cards with Sam - haha!

Susana is a really good cook and she cooks international food (obviously Spanish but also other things too that she learns from her international friends.) So I ate a Polish dish of hers that I've had several times before with sausage and cabbage and onions - really yummy. I also had Russian potatoe salad, which is actually a Spanish dish; it was okay, normal. And she had made spinach and artichoke dip which was yummy. She had also made flan for dessert which was super good. ...Fun times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so what did Sam have for dinner?