
a different Easter

I sat with Angela and Chris at First Pres. Beautiful music. Excellent sermon. On the reality of Christ's resurrection. S.F. kept saying, "If you aren't excited about Him now, what makes you think death will change anything?"

Sam and I went to a get-together Mika had invited me to. Didn't really know what to expect. A house out in the woods with three different international ministeries coming together, mostly Chinese. But there were people from Japan, Korea, Thailand, Nigeria, Angola, Germany, Hungary, and Russia there. As well as missionaries from Togo, Bolivia, and Ecuador. We ate lots of food. My favorite was the beef curry stew, reminded me of the Filipino church get-togethers on Chuuk. We had a huge egg hunt with 400 eggs. The Americans hid them and the internationals had to look. It was hilarious. We sang and had an explanation of the Easter story. I was tired. But it was a beautiful day.

He has risen indeed!


Anonymous said...

Hi Katie...WOW! You get to hear SF preach in person every week live!!!! He is my favorite preacher. I love his accent. I love his passion for the gospel. I love his humor. WOW...you are so blessed. When Sam moves out I want to come stay with you and go to church and see my gospel idol!! That's hilarious! Now that must be an oximoron!! And you had an egg hunt for 400!! Jason was so bummed that I finally told him he had to grow up finally and that I would not have an egg hunt this year, and you had one for adults and hid 4oo eggs!! WOw!! He is risen indeed. I loved seeing your Dad singing the Hallelujah chorus this weekend!! Loved sitting next to my sweet Rebecca Gail too!! Laurie

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