
Singing, "La la blah"... But Starbucks is good medecine.

Finally…. Starbucks. Yummy…

Is your life a theology or a theocracy?

If you don’t have iTunes on your computer, get it. Then download the podcasts from Columbia International University. They’re free and there are some great chapel messages to listen to. If you do listen, make sure you go in order for the Charles Price ones. At first I didn’t really like his style but keep listening… really good stuff.

I had to go see the nurse on Thursday. I’m not feeling too well lately and honestly I don’t have time to not feel well. I have too many things to do. Too many group projects, papers, THINKING. I hope to see a doctor next week. Please, pray for me.

I need to try and take some pictures of campus, work, and friends to post.

Interested in beautiful, awesome photographs and/or cards? Check out: http://www.studioemily.com


Heather said...

Praying for you! I love you!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the free marketing.

Anonymous said...

pwaying! keep us...posted! hahaha! :D

Anonymous said...

get it? posted? - as in posted on your blog and posted as in informed! HA! ;)