
And the ethnography continues...

Christian (my partner for this project) and I will be working with Derrell and Stevin at Temple Zion Church and be a part of a new after school program that reaches out to Eau Claire High School students. There will be a time of tutoring, Bible study, and fun. Every other Friday, we will take the group out on a field trip (i.e. bowling).

Here are the midterm exam questions for the class:
1. Biblical Contextualization (30 minutes) (Four of these six will be listed and the student will write on three):

a. Define contextualization. According to Hesselgrave and Rommen, why must it be both authentic and relevant?

b. Ontology: Compare and contrast the content and means of communication (source) of General and Special Revelation. Substantiate your answer from Scripture.

c. Epistemology: Compare the biblical view of truth and its componants with typical aspects of post-modern relativism. Mention at least four areas of contrast. Include elements of the Oprah interview as examples if you like.

d. Briefly describe the three steps of contextualization as laid out in “Folk Religion”

e. Contextualizing Ethics: What is the relationship between form and meaning in a cultural behavior pattern? Illustrate from a Biblical example of one kind of "strength of tie" between the two.

2. Worldview and Ethnography

a. Describe three key components of epistemology and show how any one effects two other quadrants of Worldview.

b. Define four principles for the identification of universal moral norms.

c. Briefly describe four components of a team strategy for doing ethnography amongst a particular (any) community using the paradigm of the “FOQUS” cycle.

d. What is “the problem of the neglected middle” and what are two factors in a missionary’s worldview and behavior that create this problem.

e. Select two different creation “myths” and briefly compare and contrast their conceptions of origins, God, humans, power and destiny that emerge from them.

Pray for me, please.


Heather said...

I will be praying! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

update! update! update!