
I need prayer, please.

In no particular order...

  • Cindy Carbajal is coming to visit me. Her husband has a kidney stone. Pray that he is healed before Cindy comes so both feel better about her being here. Pray that when she comes we have sweet time together.
  • Rebecca Boone's wedding on April 18th and the planning on my part for the days before hand. That I'm a good friend and we have a grand time.
  • I've had to go to the doctor for some digestional problems. Pray especially for all the insurance to come through and of course to figure out what's going on.
  • For school as I finish up, especially for one class that has been very aggravating for me. That I do the best I can and am patient and kind with the teacher.
  • For my living situation. I love my roommates, truly, but to be able to tell them when they hurt me.
  • For a particular past friendship of mine that has completely deteriorated and all the hurt (and, unfortunately, anger at times) that comes along with it.
  • All the details that need to happen for teaching this summer in the Middle East.
  • All the details that need to happen for teaching in August in the Ukraine.
  • All the details that need to happen for the ten days that I'll be in Austria, Germany, and Czech Republic with my sister.
  • I'm singing at church this Sunday night. I'm excited but scared.
  • For rest in all ways.
  • For consistent time with the Lord. Hell really is hell because it's the lack of Jesus. It's not that I don't know that He's best but that I get overwhelmed and instead of turning to Him and relaxing, I just want to forget about everything and it freezes me into doing nothing which only makes everything worse. Pray for this, please.

Thank you and blessings on you for praying to Him.


Anonymous said...

yes, Jesus is everything and He can calm every pressure and He gave you a mom who is praying praying praying- me :O)

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie...You surely do have lots on your plate these days....I am also praying for you and for Brian and Rebecca too as they have so much going too. We all look forward to seeing you in just a couple of weeks! Love, Laurie B.

becs said...

raise your hands and shout for california!!!! you left already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!