
...and the semester is in full swing!

Monday - TEFL Techniques class in the afternoon with Joe and all my fellow teflites, learn tons and have a great time.

Tuesday - Work all day with my beloved boss. I also tutor Zack, a Chinese high school student (although this has now been moved to Thursday nights.)

Wednesday - Curriculum and Testing class in the morning, chapel, then one hour practicum class, and then work in the afternoon. I go home and breath for an hour and then go help with little kids' choir at Cedar Creek Baptist Church. Yes, it's always a joy to go to bed on Wednesday nights.

Thursday - Free day! Which so far has meant a ton of errands and, today, observations in ESL classes at USC, extremely fun. Next week I'm starting voice lessons at 5:30, then tutor from 7-8, and then Becca (who's going overseas with me this summer) comes over for prayer time.

Friday - Work in the morning.

Free time during the week (i.e. not working or in class) involves running errands, keeping up with Rebecca Boone's upcoming wedding, hanging out with friends, looking for possible positions for next fall, and doing observations in ESL classes for my practicum class, oh, and homework!

Saturday and Sunday seem to always speed by as well.

So that's what's up. I would greatly appreciate your prayers. I'm exhausted at the moment but I'll write more sometime soon!

God is incredible! And He always knows what He's doing.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update - yes, it is good that God is sovereign! l&P mom

Anonymous said...

um...so i wish that the becca who comes over on thursday nights was me. :)

Anonymous said...

When is breathing scheduled??