
Prayer Requests

I've been feeling oddly and deeply lonely lately.

I continue to pray and seek the Lord's guidance for my future as I continue to look into different options. I listened to a sermon this morning from CW Smith who reminded to rest in the beautiful, amazing sovereignty of a gracious, loving, and good God. The characteristics of God make His sovereignty wonderful.

Some specifics:
  1. I want to teach ESL.
  2. I possibly want to do something else that involves linguistics/translation work.
  3. I don't want to go back to school (at least not anytime soon).
  4. I feel like I want to get settled someplace and start building relationships and a life but, on the other hand, I'm still young and single and maybe it would still be a good time to not make roots yet since I'm unsure as to where I would want those roots to be.
  5. I tend to think that I want to live/work in a lower economic status area.
  6. I tend to think that I want to teach children/youth.
  7. I inquired with OM about teaching ESL at an orphanage in central Asia.
  8. I love music.
  9. I don't want to be alone.
  10. I want to die praising God for the life that I've lived through Him, by Him, and for Him.

I think there's more but I got distracted by something so you can pray for these things for now. I'll keep you posted on what God does.


Anonymous said...

we will be waiting with anticipation for "what God does" - and we'll pray along with you as we wait ;o) l & p mom

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie...I hope it helps your heart to know that I prayed for you today...and to know that even I have felt oddly and deeply lonely at times...and someone whom I greatly admire, Wethrall Johnson, in her autobiography said that when she felt that way on the mission field in China she would start reading her Bible and kept reading it until the lonliness lifted...Love Laurie B.