
Earthquake & Erika

Yesterday, while trying to explain the difference between "used to" and "is used to", I started thinking, "Hmm... I didn't feel this dizzy just a second ago." Then Ki Hyun shouted, "OMG!" And I realized everyone could feel the movement. It was incredible how long the swaying of the building lasted when you're on the 12th floor. You could literally see the walls going back and forth, a very strange sensation. At first we were all going to leave but the administration at the main building was contacted and they said if everyone/thing was okay to continue class. About five minutes later a building inspector came and evacuated us all outside to the parking lot though. We only had a half an hour left of class so classes were cancelled and I was able to catch the earlier train home. Weird times. But I have to admit that the rain in San Diego in the middle of August a couple days ago had already reminded me that, "Jesus is coming soon!"

Today Erika pulled me aside during break because she wanted to tell me something that happened to her yesterday on her way home. She said that she was riding the bus like she normally does and was listening to music with her head phones. All she said was that she was thinking about "everything" and wondering "is this true or is that true?" Eventually a man got on the bus and sat near her. But she didn't say anything to him and just waited until her bus stop came. When she stood up to leave, still with these predicaments in her head as to what was true, the man spoke to her and said, "Anything's possible." She said that she was very taken aback by what he said but was amazed and wanted to know what I thought. I told her that sometimes God uses circumstances and people to confirm to people that He is real. I told her that He generally only uses ways for certain people who will actually be affected by what He does. I told her she wasn't crazy. God is real. I also told her that even for me, the more I pray and see God's answers to prayers, the more I have faith that He is real and the more I pray and so on. You could tell she was amazed by all of this. God is making her think. Continue praying for Erika (and me.)

God is cool. Always.


Cindy's Bachelorette Party @ Big Bear Lake

cindy, debbie, katie, katie, kayti, krista, lauren, rebecca, little cabin in the woods, overflowing jacuzzi, king size bed with cindy, pine tree smell, stars, moon, morning devotions on the back patio, music, dancing, chips & salsa, candy, candy, candy, the three pieces of paper game, chasing cinderella in the conservatory, taking pictures, cinnamon life with bananas, ants, chicken caesar salad sandwiches, foosball, getting crushed at nerts, kicking butt at nerts, laughing, talking, butt smacking, singing, disney sing-along-songs, sleeping beauty, big bear village, ice cream, teddy bear cafe, playing herbie up the mountain, opening presents, receiving favors, raffi, seven eleven, staying up until three am... for pictures, go here.

Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice!


discussion group book MUST READ

Serious Times: Making Your Life Matter in an Urgent Day by James Emery White

...excerpts from chapter 4, "Deepening Our Souls"...

"The world will only be changed when those who call themselves Christians begin to follow Christ, becoming scandalously present in the world in all of their Christlike particularity. Such a life is a formidable presence, forever marking everything in its wake - or not."

"To live for God, we must live with God. But what does this mean? The answer rests in the goal of all spiritual formation, which is to be marked by the fruit of the Spirit - such things as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control. But the fruit of the Spirit is just that. Fruit. The metaphor is important. Fruit does not exist in and of itself. It is something that is produced. It comes from a life source - a branch or a vine. A person does not decide to be patient, much less will to be patient. Patience must be cultivated from the source of patience. That is why the Bible speaks of such things flowing from the Spirit. They emanate from a life with, in and through the Spirit. Only when a spiritual life is cultivated will spiritual fruit be manifest. The true goal of spiritual formation is not the fruit of the Spirit but the relational intimacy that produces the fruit of the Spirit."

"An intimate relationship with God has become something subtly woven into the deepest recesses of our private life instead of a reckless love bursting out of the seams of our soul, exploding into the world around us."

"Love is... a pursuit."

"The impact of most Christ followers on this world is minimal because the degree to which we seek intimacy with Christ is minimal. When there is little that reflects a relationship with Christ in us, we have little of Christ to offer."

"To seek God's face is a serious call, one which is to be engaged with utmost earnestness."

"We conform to the patterns of the world, when we could be morphed into the very image of Christ (Rom. 12:1-2). We focus on religion instead of relationship. Practice instead of passion. Such a life - not rooted in an authentic relationship with God, full of rhetoric and posturing, form and mannerism - is all but empty. We become people possessed with knowledge "about" as opposed to an acquaintance "with." But only intimate relationship with the living God leads to true spirituality. And only true spirituality can affect the world."

"I know that it is a spiritual life that I most want. It is from the depths of the soul that a life most clearly and significantly speaks, and makes its mark and is able to bring Christ to bear on the world. Any life-giving water I might offer to those who thirst is drawn from the well of my soul. ...But there lies the rub. I say I hunger for this, but do I? In truth, I don't always want to go deep. It is easier - far easier - to live my life on the surface waters of communion with God. Going deep with God, as with anyone, is demanding, difficult, time-consuming; it calls for intentionality and discipline, purpose and drive. Like most, I know there is more, but I have often found myself to be inconsistent - or unwilling - in the effort."

He goes on to talk about knowing God through reading His Word, prayer, solitude and silence.



a definition of worship

you do the things you do and you don't do the things you don't do because you love God. you worship God.


the weekend

friday at 5 cindy came over and we went to johnny carino's for dinner in san marcos. they have especially yummy italian bread that comes with olive oil and garlic for dipping into. then we headed over to massage envy where i took my bride (as her maid of honor) for her first massage. we had a couples room. it was extremely wonderful. afterwards we rented fool's gold and ps i love you. we watched fool's gold (not as bad as i thought but still pretty *roll your eyes*). then we shared my air mattress and fell asleep while reminiscing about all the things we used to play at cindy's chestnut, cameo, & fire mountain homes, grandma braswell's home, and here at 1729.

we woke up, took showers, had coffee, and headed off to irvine the next morning to meet up with kayti and two of her other bridesmaids whom we had never met (the third one was unable to come). they were very nice and kayti had us play a quiz about her and jason where cindy and i tied for highest. kayti also gave us gifts of cute starbucks mugs with m&ms. we walked around the spectrum for awhile and then departed.

cindy and i drove to cindy and chris' new place in rancho s.m. and went to the pool for some sun and nap time (or pop-bubble-on-iphone time for cindy). then we showered and chris took the three of us to dinner. chris' meatloaf was four times as big as his fist as well as his mashed potatoes and veggies. i had a prime rib sandwhich that was superb. we walked back over to their house aferwards and played a rousing game of nerts and blackjack. it was great. cindy and i slept on the living room floor in our sleeping bags.

sunday morning (this am) i left cindy and chris' and drove up to torrance to go to church with kayti. church was very God-glorifying, full of truth, and exactly what God wanted me to hear today. it was good to be up in torrance with kayti and see the place where she'll live as jason's wife come november. we had good conversation before lunch, during lunch, and after lunch. then i drove back home.

it was another good weekend and i thank the Lord for His blessings of friendships and good times.

another school week starts tomorrow.

Lord, You are good and Your mercies endureth forever!


Ki Hyun

Intelligent, witty, good-looking, studious, and diligent - what's not to love? Especially for a teacher.

Yesterday Ki Hyun had been in the room while Erika and I were talking. Towards the end of class today, I had them doing some reading comprehension practice, which is usually on the more difficult side for my students. Ki Hyun stayed after I let everyone leave because he was asking vocabulary questions - he didn't know that "introduce" could be used in a context other than new people and he didn't know that "lean" could mean "with little fat" only that it meant to put your weight up against the wall. Beginning to pack up his things, he asked me, "What creed are you?" Eventually I said, "You mean religion?" "Yes," he said. I told him that when people usually ask me that question I say that I believe in the one true God and in His Son Jesus Christ. He didn't quite understand that so I did eventually say that I was a Christian. He said, "Oh, you are Catholic?" So then I was trying to explain that, no, I am not a Catholic Christian rather a Protestant Christian. So then I asked him what his creed was. Ki Hyun said, "Me. I believe in myself. I work hard, I do the things I want, I live life my way by what I see." "So you don't believe in God?" You could tell it was hard for him to say absolutely that he didn't believe in God or a god. I had found out the other day that one of his other Korean friends in a different class went to a Korean church in Mira Mesa so I said (praying that this was a good church, although I do know that it is baptist), "You should go with your friend sometime." He said that he didn't like church because it is just better to give to the poor and do social services outside of the church. I said, "Sometimes I agree with you." We were about to part ways and as he said good bye I simply said, "Think about God the rest of your day." He smiled politely. I said, "Remember, I don't say that I am this religion or that religion, but that I talk to the one true God and He talks to me through Jesus Christ." Again, Ki Hyun smiled and almost shaking his head he said, "Ok." You could tell he thought I was a little strange.

Please, pray for God to do His work in Ki Hyun.


God is listening and acting...

FIRST. I have been feeling better. Most of the nausea has gone although my stomach isn't yet back to normal. God upheld me through my first week of classes though. He is strong.

SECOND. Class has been going okay. I am learning how to teach in this context, use this curriculum, understand and help these students. Miguel, the 14 year old, will be leaving for Spain after Friday. I also had a new student today from Spain, Esther. She has very poor verbal skills from what I could tell today. These are the three main things I have been praying: 1) That I will not show partiality! I do not do this as far as grading is concerned but sometimes it is so hard to not want to always talk to and call on and be more interested in a few of them. But this is not what God has done. Help me to unbelievably kind and interested in each individual. 2) That I would teach with excellence. I wondered about this for awhile because I am not perfect and how am I supposed to be the excellent Christian worker when I fail sometimes? But I am learning that sometimes excellence means confession. Excellence includes admitting when I was mistaken and fixing it rather than moving on and hoping no one will notice. And 3) That I would have opportunity to talk about the Lord.

THIRD. (And the best one!) GOD provided a perfect opportunity to have me talk on His behalf. We were working on "wish" grammar yesterday and I noticed on Erika's paper (from the Czech Republic) that she had written, "I wish I could meet God." So today during break, I sat down next to her and told her that I noticed her paper yesterday. I asked her what she knew about God and what she thought of Him. She said that her grandmother used to tell her stories about God and that she said He always knew what you were doing. Erika said that sometimes that made her worried because she knew what she was doing was bad sometimes. I told her I felt the same way sometimes BUT that I could then look to Jesus for taking the punishment for my sins and that, through Jesus' death and God's grace, I can know that God loves me still because I believe in Him. We talked some more and ultimately she said that she didn't know what was true. I asked if I could pray that God would show her what was truth and I encouraged her to do the same. Erika is extremely sweet and open to talking about anything and everything. Pray that God will work in her heart and provide the perfect opportunity for her to come to a true saving trust in the work of Jesus Christ.

On the train ride home today I started another summer reading book by Jim Cymbala. I have read books by him before and am always encouraged and excited to love the Lord afterwards. It was good to read especially after God's work today in me and in Erika. Cymbala wrote that true, earnest prayer should produce more true, earnest prayer.

God is awesome. Always.


finding joy...

buy it here and read it. you will want to live how she did.



FIRST. I need you all to pray for me. I have been feeling very, very ill over the last few days. I feel feverish, nauseous, and have terrible headaches. I hardly eat anything all day because it just makes me want to throw up. So please pray that God in His sweet mercy will heal whatever is going on with me physically. It is extremely uncomfortable.

SECOND. I work in the summer building for Converse which is a couple blocks shorter walk than the Broadway main office. My classroom windows have a north-east view of the city and on the hill you can see the bell tower and dome at Balboa park. The train rides have been fine (although I wonder if motion sickness is part of my problem.)

THIRD. My students: Ana, Miguel (14), & Enric from Spain; Erika from the Czech Republic; Oliver from Switzerland; Valentine from Italy; and Ki Hyun & Hye Ran from Korea. They have already caught me off guard with grammar questions or asking me if a statement is correct that I almost end up believing it is only because I've heard it so much from them. But it's only my third day and I'm really trying to learn - hah - and get the students to learn. Pray that we are productive in learning English, that I am a clear communicator, and that they try their best. Pray that I love them no matter what, am kind always to them, and that my interest in them during, before, and after class present opportunities for them to learn more about me... and the God who loves us all.




friday we (mom, dad, & em) met the boones & brian at stage coach park in la costa. we played some frisbee and imagine if, ate yummy picnic food, and danced to the jazz music concert. afterwards we all went back to the boones house for ice cream and apple pie. unfortunately a fog bank rolled in and we were unable to see any fireworks. the shows probably weren't that exciting compared to the riveting game of screw your neighbor the nine of us played around the kitchen table. even though mr. boone was hand writing and mrs. boone was playing for blood, the ultimate showdown was between mom and brian in the end. mom was champ, brian was chump (or loser, according to mrs. boone.) suffice it to say, we all laughed our faces off.

saturday i drove up to santa clarita listening to the sweet tunes of tchaikovsky and mozart. i made it to starbucks and had almost finished another chapter in my book and downed my grande coffee frappuccino light by the time laurie called. she came by and we chatted it up for awhile. eventually i looked through the window and across the parking lot and saw my roommate from my freshmen year walking hand in hand with her husband (whom i hadn't seen since i was in their wedding [one of the happiest days of my life] three years ago.) i ran out of starbucks with my arms flailing. the four of us had dinner at good ol' corner bakery, one of my sc favs, then went and changed for kristi & brian's wedding at placerita.

when i first found out that kristi and brian were engaged, i was ecstatic. they are just one of those couples that you look at and can't help but know they were perfectly designed by God for each other (and ultimately for Him.) their sense of humor, wit, service, and tenderness in both of them exhibit their uniqueness as God's chosen people. i know He was very pleased when they committed to Him yesterday evening to commit to each other for the rest of their lives. brian has always had a great smile but i seriously thought his smile grew ten times bigger with kristi, his sweet wife, by his side. precious.

after the wedding heather jumped in my car and we went to alhambra where matt and heather have been living since getting married. we watched olympic trials for awhile, chatted, and then eventually went to bed. i think we all three were pretty tired. but it was good to see them again and i really appreciate them letting me spend the night.

i left around nine in the morning to head to a church in east l.a. that i have been wanting to go to. i drove by the same block several times before i eventually found the building. once i found the building, i couldn't find the entrance. once i found the entrance, i couldn't find parking. so i decided to go ahead and drive back to cbad. i listened to a sermon from ciu on the way home and when i walked into my home church their sermon was just about to start. then i went out to lunch at a new mexican place which was pretty yummy.

all in all, it was a good weekend. i have my own level 3 students in my own little classroom beginning on tuesday. i'm thrilled and nervous. but God is cool, always.

you can see some pictures here.


fifth chapter excerpt

Count It All Joy! The Story of Joy Ridderhof & Gospel Recordings, Inc. by Phyllis Thompson

"Arrangements were being made for her to board the S.S. McKinley with Ann at the end of October, to set off on their first journey across the Pacific. But on the day they were due to go and get their passports they both realised they hadn't the necessary nine dollars required to pay for them. Nine dollars is a small sum compared with $485, the price of each ticket, bu it is an enormous amount if you don't happen to have it when obtaining your passport depends on it. It was what was called a 'pocketbook emergency', and Joy saw it as a cause of rejoicing, because now they would see what God would do! ...By the afternoon the money was in hand, and they got their passports."


second chapter excerpt

Count It All Joy! The Story of Joy Ridderhof & Gospel Recordings Inc. by Phyllis Thompson

When Don Pedro in Marcala, Honduras, accepted Christ... "The knelt together in the plain little room, the three of them. Joy and Arthur prayed aloud, as was their custom, uninhibited, praising God for His Spirit's work in the heart of this man, praying that he might be truly born of that same Spirit. They waited for Don Pedro to pray, but he was silent. 'Don Pedro, have you accepted the Lord?' they asked, and when Don Pedro lifted his head his face was aglow. 'Have you accepted the Lord?' It had not seemed like that at all. It had not occurred to him that he was in a position to accept or reject. It was quite the other way round. His answer was one Joy never forgot, as with the expression of one who has been released suddenly from bondage he said, 'He has accepted me.'"