
Stone Lee

This was written by a guy in my Cross-cultural Communication class. I thought it was good.

"I was born and grew up in Hong Kong, quite a westernized metropolitan. I
accepted Christ in my age of seven. My faith was bounded by the intellectual
approach of Western thinking. I understand clearly sin and salvation, much
knowledge about Christianity through Sunday school and reading. But my worldview
was lack of Spirituality. I heard about prayers, but never really believed in
prayers. I seldom prayed for over ten minutes in my private prayer time. I
believed in real actions baring fruits. I rarely heard about spiritual gifts in
the first decade of Christian life. Exposure to Mainland China, South Korean
culture and worldview, and reading about Spirituality (like Charismatic
movement)have helped me to re-orient my approach to my Christian Faith. I met
many people who pray for hours and fast for days, some even fast for 40 days.
Many of them go to prayer mountain to pray at 4-5 a.m. nearly every day. Many
miracles happen in these community. I started to know many of them who possess
spiritual gifts. One who has spiritual gifts is not a super apostle, it is
common in their community and for the sanctification of disciples. In short, I
learned to re-orient my Christian faith to a more spiritual aspect. Faith is not
only knowledge. God still communicate with modern believers, not only by
understanding of text. Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts.
Spend more time in prayers, worship and fasting, to experience God who is not
only an intellectual God."

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