
Temple Zion Baptist Church & Eau Claire High School

Brief: In my Understanding Cultures and Worldview class, half of our grade consists of doing an ethnography of a particular group of people. Through pastoral contacts that our professor, Dr. Cashin, prearranged we work with a local church. My teammate is Christian. At the beginning of the semester we met Pastor Flynn from Temple Zion Baptist Church and decided we were going to try and start an after school program, recruiting kids from the high school closest to the church, Eau Claire. So over the past month and a half (almost two months), Christian and I have been going to ECHS during their lunch periods on Monday and Friday, meeting a lot of the students, trying to ask them questions and get to know them a little, and tell them about the up and coming after school program. (There are obviously a trillion more details but that's the basic outline.)

Last Saturday I went with 3 youth and Stevin (who works at TZ) bowling. Here are some pics. (And no laughing at the horrible one of me but I wanted to prove that I was there.)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Bowling is my favorite, so when you bowl it's kind of like I'm with you in spirit. I miss you so much, and it doesn't help that Laurie left me too. I hope you are doing great, looks like you are and sounds like you are! Love you.