

As each paper came due, each presentation was given, and my Isaiah final completed... I felt more and more sad. Most of my life has been consumed with schoolwork and studying and learning. And for the most part, I have absolutely loved it. So now the reigns have been pulled back and I realize that with the pull comes change. This has been a rough semester, in more ways than ten. I am extremely thankful for all that the Lord has done and all the accomplishments that have happened not only academically but spiritually and emotionally as well. But I'm (should I say it?) scared of change. A lot of my TEFL friends will not be here next semester, I won't have the hard push like this semester, and it will be my last semester at CIU. ...I know, I know. God is still God, He is still on the throne, and it's not about staying here forever. I do want to begin life. I'm just glum right now.

Last night we had a huge thunder storm. I had my window open and the blinds up and I was reading my first book of the break (The Kite Runner) but there were more than a couple times that I was caught off guard by the ferocity of the thunder and lightening. And then, all of the sudden, God whispered to me, "I'm bigger. I control even that." And my whole body just relaxed into a total calm. I finished a few more chapters and went to sleep with a smile on my face as the storm continued to rage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it s well ... continuing l & p, mom