
Getting accomplished...

I almost started freaking out today after Bible Translation class out of excitement for all that God has helped me to accomplish!!! The end is drawing near - hallelujah!

So I finished (minus some small editing) my second Bible translation project and presented this morning. It was so fun, truly. Love it. One of the best classes I've ever taken - peaked what I'm interested in as well as giving tons of new insights into my Christianity. Really cool.

Today I'm having lunch with my boss and coworker (yeah!) and then I have afternoon class. I'll turn in my two lesson plans (well, one of them is actually one part of three different lesson plans) and do a small sample teaching to my class (as though they were my ESL students). We have a great time. I'm having them write a story about the Norman Rockwell picture entitled "Bottom Drawer" where the little boy finds the Santa outfit. I entitled my advanced ESL lesson plan "Christmas Curiosity" and they will have to use functional phrases like "I wonder what happened," "...is the person who...," "Why is that?" and vocabulary like warn, guess, advise, look, and hide. Heehee... fun, huh? Oh, and also, for my reading lesson plan I used a great short story called "Arthur the Rat" that I had to read for my diction class at MiraCosta.

Anyway, after class I'm hanging out with my friend Veronica and then we're going to the Grad/Sem Christmas party. Then I'm going to the library - woohoo! Another night at the library until midnight, just like last night. But... the end is drawing near!!!

Keep praying for...
...my Isaiah notebook (so close to being finished, just a few more things)
...Isaiah term paper (hopefully I can finish it tomorrow)
...Isaiah final (I hope to study all day Monday on this and do nothing else)

Also, I do have a black skirt that I'm wearing on Sunday but I still need a shirt - pray I find one!!

THANK YOU!!! God bless you ten fold for praying for me. :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is indeed so merciful and loving ;o) hallelujah! - mom