
first book of break, check

"The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini

The story of Afghani Amir. The cover was right. It was heart-wrenching and evocative. There were parts that I didn't know if I could keep reading (although it is noted that I thought the author did an excellent job of writing the horror but leaving out unnecessary explicit details.) The cover says that it's the story of redemption. Although I was almost physically sickened by some of the plot with the abuse of children and the sickening evil (sometimes reminding me of the Roman guards whipping Jesus in The Passion, laughing), I was definitely more heart-broken by the end. Redemption is found in doing good? Guilt can be washed away by doing something better? It was a very good read - riveting. But it made me more thankful for God's overwhelming gracious pursuit of me. Freedom only comes in Christ. There is no good apart from Him.


Anonymous said...

read the other one, too "a thousand splendid suns" by the same author. they books aren't related, but they're by the same author, same region. also very good but a tear-jerker.

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie...I saw the movie, and that was enough for me...riveting and sad, very sad. Laurie