

I can definitely feel your prayers. In the midst of the most difficult semester, in the midst of the most difficult week and a half of that semester, I am surprising myself at this calm that is over me. Ever since I left for Baltimore last Wednesday I just prayed that I would relax, go day by day, do what I can. I'm just amazed and I truly give praise and thanks to the One who is doing it for me and thanks to you for praying to Him on my behalf. (Heh, that sentence reminds me of Paul.)

So I had one of my Bible translation projects presentations this morning and it went well (thanks for all of you who helped me with the testing part!) The actual paper isn't due until next Friday (praise the Lord!) although all I really need to do is finalize the editing in a couple places of the 37 page paper. My second Bible translation project presentation will be on Friday morning and I haven't quite finished it yet (it will be more like 50 pages!) I also have two lesson plans, one which I will have to teach to my class, due on Friday. One of the lesson plans is finished and I hope to finish the other one tonight. Then I need to finish my notebook for Isaiah (about 14 pages of exegesis), do an entire term paper which will require a load of library time, and study for a humongous final - all due next Tuesday morning. :o) Keep up the prayers please!!!

On top of all this, I had choir practice tonight, another rehearsal on Saturday morning, and rehearsal and concert on Sunday evening. This is all good and I'm still glad I'm participating. But there is one thing you could pray for (laugh if you wish but praying will help even this) and oddly my sense of calm was not-so-calm after tonight when I found out that what I was planning Check Spellingon wearing isn't specific enough with what they're asking. So I've already asked some people if they have some stuff I could borrow but if you could just pray that the clothes come together quickly, easily, I feel comfortable and beautiful in them, and affordable, that would be great.

Thank you again. God is wonderful!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more prayers on are on the way - I updated Margie at choir tonight and Sotelos on the phone today - thanks for helping us know how to pray - What an abundant God we know, hallelujah! mom