
I studied for ten hours today and then had choir practice at church. My brain hurts, literally. But thank you for your prayers (whoever you are out there [besides mom, dad, gma, laurie, becs, laurie, em, and jennie). The three projects I wanted to accomplish by choir tonight are now at 90%, 70%, and 40% completion. I don't have morning class tomorrow so I'll study (skipping Thanksgiving meal at the school where I taught ESL at the beginning of the semester - waaaaaaah!) I'll also take my computer to work tomorrow afternoon. But then I promised Anita I would hang out with her, although now we're going out to dinner with our friend Carrie because her parents are in town and she wants us to meet them. Then Matt asked if he could throw a surprise party at our house for his sister who is here. So that will be fun but I have to go to bed so I can drive 8&1/2 hours on Wednesday to go to Baltimore where I'll spend three nights with Heather K. - wahoo! But then 8&1/2 hours back on Saturday all by my lonesome (yeah, I went to a bridal shower on Sunday and they were all talking about how they have to travel for so many hours for Thanksgiving - but at least they have significant others!) Anyway, Jesus loves me, this I know. I think I decided to take my computer with me on my trip and take a short break there and back to work on homework at an eatery or something. Sunday I'll go to my new church again (yes, I know, please don't scold) and after church I'm hanging out with my small group from that church (yippee!) But then I'll come home and study (we're not supposed to study on Sundays but I do fairly frequently; yes, I'm naughty.) My last two weeks are packed mainly with school work: Isaiah notebook, Isaiah exegesis paper, Isaiah final (HUGE!), two practicum tutoring sessions with Zach, Translation oral presentations and written projects, Translation final, Proficiency and Reading Lesson Plans for Techniques, and Microteaching for Techniques. Yes, I want to cry. Please, please pray that I can get this all done. I truly feel like there is no possible way that it will doable. But I have been analyzing verses all day including, "With God all things are possible!" Even butt-loads (sorry) of homework? Also, on December 7th, I have a Christmas concert at Riverland Hills Baptist church and two dress rehearsals (one on Saturday morning and one on Sunday afternoon) before the concert. It'll be glorious though and Nielson and Young will be there too - whoopee! They are thrilling to watch and listen to. *sigh* Anyway, and now what am I doing? Blogging! But it gives you specifics to pray for! THANK YOU!!!


Anonymous said...

what in the world is an "eatery"?! is that the east coast way of saying the normal word "restaurant"??? :) no, seriously...

Anonymous said...

seriously? Rebecca, you and Katie are both delightful - happy Thanksgiving! mom