
mr. toad's wild ride

my classes:
isaiah with dr. luc - amazing! it will be time consuming but absolutely wonderful!
techniques of tefl with joe - i laughed my face off on friday. will be very fun to finally have a class to learn about all the fun things i can do in my classroom to "facilitate" language learning.
gospels with dr. howell - dropped - but God wanted me to have been in the first class.
practicum with dr. yin - she is ciu's new tefl professor and i love her! she is gentle, sweet, organized, brilliant, and hilarious. i spent some time in her office the other day talking about different things and then later met her precious daughter. dr. yin is chinese and her husband is south korean. practicum will be fun (although i still greatly miss my fellow students from last year.) i will update when i know when and where i'll be teaching, tutoring, etc. but i am super excited about it!
intro. to bible translation with joe - wahoo! joe and dr. hislop made this a faculty directed studies for me. i will be going to joe's undergrad course (which i went to on friday and loved, there are only three other students in the class) and doing two translation projects. this is thrilling.
classes - whew!

God is trustworthy. Pray to Him for me please!


Anonymous said...

sound great - I am sooo grateful for your joy! and so grateful God has prepared these teachers for you. I thought you also have a class in methods? Tell us was is sooooo funny in Joe's class.
I'm pwaying - mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie...I agree with the other Mom, you sound hopeful, excited and future-looking..is that a word? We will keep you in our hearts and prayers...Ma Boone