
What is this a picture of?

Give me a brief three sentence creative story of what you see. Mom and Sam don't do it because you heard me talk about it already. If you've seen it before and know immediately what's going on, don't participate. We did this for one of my classes and I thought the teacher was lying about it.


Anonymous said...

lying? this is a Christian school, teasing, maybe ;o) mom

Kt Masterson E10 said...

no, i thought he was lying because he was trying to make us feel like we had learning disabilities.

Heather said...

It looks like a cow to me.

Anonymous said...

ooh, i know! i know! i'm lying on my back in the forest and the white stuff are the trees, but the sun is shining in my eyes so i'm squinting so the trees look white instead of green. either that or i slipped on a mossy rock and got a concussion and when i opened my eyes i saw the same trees but because of the concussion i couldn't only see in black and white. how's that for a story! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie...I guess I did not send my guess accurately....I thought at first it was a map of some areas of the world with white the water and black the land, but then I saw it , just like Heather!! I saw it! One of the Happy California cows that make great cheese! You are homesick for California and great Mexican food and lots of California cheese on it and so wherever you look on the map of the world ,you really only see the CA cows happily producing cheese!!