
Well... I'm here...

On Saturday at the Grad/Sem Picnic we played a get-to-know-people game. One of the things we had to do was find someone who had driven over 300 miles to get here - well, what about 2,000! There are a few more that I've met from California and we've bonded quickly.

I live in a quiet little studio apartment on the lower level of a split-level house of one of the undergrad profs. It's on a gravel road in the woods. It's peaceful. I'm enjoying my privacy.

I'll be working on campus as the administrative assistant to the dean of women.

Everybody's complaining about the heat wave. "It hasn't been this hot in 15 years!" #1 It's not as humid as Chuuk and at least they have air conditioning in every building all the time. #2 They have air conditioning in every building all the time! I'm freezing most of the time in this heat wave of theirs.

Church the first Sunday was, uh, ...let's just say "old school" would be too modern a description.

Yesterday I went to a little church about 3 minutes more into the woods from my house. The people were absolutely southern-friendly and I knew much about their lives and children before the day was through. It's not my ideal or favorite but the preaching was solid and it might be nice to do something different for a little while.

Classes start tomorrow. I'm excited. A little sick to my stomach, but excited.

So... here I am.


Unknown said...

well it's about time. :)

Anonymous said...

check out www.strausspeyton.blogspot.com. haha. omg! they are complaining about the heat here, too...i'm like, "oh, you're air conditioning broke? welcome to the last year of my life. ha. trust me, you will adapt." :)

Anonymous said...

oops. your.