
Course Descriptions

Understanding Cultures and Worldviews:
This course will enable you to understand the philosophical assumptions which an individual uses in constructing the belief system by which he/she makes decisions about the world. It will help you construct a biblical worldview and provide you with the skills needed to analyze the culture and worldview of the people God has called you to reach. Special attention will be given to tools for understanding culture as an essential means of entry into cross-cultural ministry.

Theoretical Foundations of Language Teaching:
This course is an introduction to the principles and practices of English language teaching. We will examine the theories and practices of language teaching and learning in general and English language teaching in particular, focusing on the adult learner. We will also examine the use of English language teaching in connection with Christian ministry and missions.

Introduction to Linguistics:
This is an introductory survey of the major areas of linguistics. This course is intended to inform the student of how language works at different levels and how those levels interact with one another. This course cover Phonetics (the sounds of language), Phonology (the sound systems of individual languages), Morphology (the origin and structure of words), Semantics (how words make meaning), Pragmatics (language in its context), Sociolinguistics (language in society), and the History of English. It does not include Syntax since that is covered in a separate course.



Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are pleased with these courses - I know I couldn;t survive except possibly as an example of some anomoly. continuing love and prayers

Anonymous said...

syntax is its own course? whoa.

Anonymous said...

I took Intro to Linguistics with Suzuki last year....that was an intense course...good luck! :) Thanks for updating and changing the format so I can add comments. Yeah for school!!!

Heather said...

yay for classes! It was soo good to talk to you yesterday! I love you!

Anonymous said...

sounds like courses i took at TMC