
two things then back to work

First, what is this a picture of?
I know what it is really a picture of but also looks like another animal to me... can you see it? It makes me laugh every time!
Second, I burnt myself really badly this morning on the oven. The blister is about an inch long, 1/4 of an inch wife and (seriously) 1/4 of an inch high. The redness slowly spread out all over my wrist to the size a jelly jar lid. It hurts really horribly and is on my right wrist. Pray that it heals. Good little Anita put some burn butter on it which helped.


I studied for ten hours today and then had choir practice at church. My brain hurts, literally. But thank you for your prayers (whoever you are out there [besides mom, dad, gma, laurie, becs, laurie, em, and jennie). The three projects I wanted to accomplish by choir tonight are now at 90%, 70%, and 40% completion. I don't have morning class tomorrow so I'll study (skipping Thanksgiving meal at the school where I taught ESL at the beginning of the semester - waaaaaaah!) I'll also take my computer to work tomorrow afternoon. But then I promised Anita I would hang out with her, although now we're going out to dinner with our friend Carrie because her parents are in town and she wants us to meet them. Then Matt asked if he could throw a surprise party at our house for his sister who is here. So that will be fun but I have to go to bed so I can drive 8&1/2 hours on Wednesday to go to Baltimore where I'll spend three nights with Heather K. - wahoo! But then 8&1/2 hours back on Saturday all by my lonesome (yeah, I went to a bridal shower on Sunday and they were all talking about how they have to travel for so many hours for Thanksgiving - but at least they have significant others!) Anyway, Jesus loves me, this I know. I think I decided to take my computer with me on my trip and take a short break there and back to work on homework at an eatery or something. Sunday I'll go to my new church again (yes, I know, please don't scold) and after church I'm hanging out with my small group from that church (yippee!) But then I'll come home and study (we're not supposed to study on Sundays but I do fairly frequently; yes, I'm naughty.) My last two weeks are packed mainly with school work: Isaiah notebook, Isaiah exegesis paper, Isaiah final (HUGE!), two practicum tutoring sessions with Zach, Translation oral presentations and written projects, Translation final, Proficiency and Reading Lesson Plans for Techniques, and Microteaching for Techniques. Yes, I want to cry. Please, please pray that I can get this all done. I truly feel like there is no possible way that it will doable. But I have been analyzing verses all day including, "With God all things are possible!" Even butt-loads (sorry) of homework? Also, on December 7th, I have a Christmas concert at Riverland Hills Baptist church and two dress rehearsals (one on Saturday morning and one on Sunday afternoon) before the concert. It'll be glorious though and Nielson and Young will be there too - whoopee! They are thrilling to watch and listen to. *sigh* Anyway, and now what am I doing? Blogging! But it gives you specifics to pray for! THANK YOU!!!


this morning - 23*. expected high for today - 46*.

two words: ni brrrrrrrrr.


wow. God comes through, as usual.

I said absolutely yes to my internship for next summer. I will write more when I know more. But thanks for praying. Please continue to pray as more of the details are worked out now.

Also please keep praying for my school. Nothing matters (well, Jesus does always) if I don't complete my assignments this semester, and complete them well and with delight! But I feel like my brain is just completely dead, totally dry, I just can't concentrate at all. Please, please pray for energy and focus to push through these projects.

God bless you ten-fold for blessing me!!


good morning!

it was 26* this morning when i got up. of course, it's because it's clear and if any sort of precipitation were to come the temperature would be back up. but, oh dear, it was cold for little katie.


my how things change... or, my how God changes things...

So I don't want to give details out yet as there is no clear confirmation but there have definitely been new happenings about my next semester, summer internship, and full-time work in the future! Please, please be in prayer that I would be in prayer, that I would willingly walk where God leads, and that I would listen to Him ever intently because He will speak in His perfect timing. Wahoo!


This is what I did yesterday evening.


California & Onward (dates fixed)

Wednesday, November 5th -- Worked at 8, went to Translation class at 9:25, skipped chapel to come home and finish packing, went to Practicum at 12:35 only to find out that the teacher wasn't expecting me and they weren't going to do much anyway, made the 1&1/2 hour drive to Charlotte, parked my car in long term parking, made it to the gate in plenty of time to eat some chicken before hand. Flight left for Houston then San Diego at 4:20. God's coolness: if I hadn't gone to Practicum class, Veronica wouldn't have been able to give me a magazine of various word games for my flights, they have been so much fun to work on!

Thursday, November 6th -- Went to Disneyland with Emmy, there was hardly anyone there so we went on all our favorites more than once, took pictures while on Thunder Mountain, shared a Turkey leg for lunch, went to the Blue Bayou for dinner, listened to a really cool fiddle player and made requests for the pianist at the Resort. Witnessed a horrible accident on the way home, literally rolling over parts of the entangled mess and being the first to call 9-1-1. God's coolness: had amazing time with sister and were totally protected from harm.

Friday, November 7th -- Had a massage, went to lunch at Four Seasons with mom and grandma, the smoked mozzarella was delicious, drove up to Torrance and met up with Tim, Melissa, and bride Kayti, did last minute wedding errands with them, went to dinner with them and Jason and Victor at Hawaiian food, went to their church's Friday college and career worship night, had time alone with the bride that night. God's coolness: walking into a Costco situated just 15 minutes from the center of downtown Los Angeles was absolutely thrilling, I couldn't stop smiling at the diversity of people and languages, perhaps God will eventually lead me there after all.

Saturday, November 8th -- Had Starbucks with the bride, lazily hung out for awhile, went to lunch at BJ's with Chris and Cindy, the three girls plus new friend Summer went and had our nails done, I got my eyebrows waxed too, went to the church for rehearsal which was hilarious, loud, and with so many nontraditional elements to the wedding many of us wondered how it would go the next day, went to rehearsal dinner at Jason's mom's house, Kayti cried talking about everyone, so did Jason, ate Thai food, went to Redondo beach coffee shop with girls in the wedding, went to home in Palos Verdes with a gorgeous overlook of the city, finally went to bed about 12:30. God's coolness: more realization of my continued love for LA, Kayti was so calm, and back at the house where we slept Cindy, Aimee, Summer, and I prayed over Kayti before going to sleep.

Sunday, November 9th -- Woke up at 7, took showers, Summer and I went looking for safety pins but almost everything was still closed, ended up finding some at Ralph's after asking the really good looking Hispanic guy working at Cost Market (or something like that), bought Starbucks for all back at the house, everyone had their make-up and hair done, went to the church to finish dressing and photos, ceremony, more pictures, reception, 1&1/2 hour drive home alone bawling the first 30 min. and completely ruining my beautiful made-up face. God's coolness: the ceremony was unbelievably God-centered and people couldn't have left without knowing that Christ alone would be exalted in that marriage.

Monday, November 10th -- Met a hard-core covenant "theologian". Flight left at 11:20, arrived back in Charlotte at 10:45ish, drove 1&1/2 hours home after getting luggage and trekking to the car, arrived back in Columbia just before 1am, exhausted. God's coolness: not bad flights, sandwich snacks on both flights, more fun word puzzles.

Tuesday, November 11th -- Made it to Isaiah although barely coherent, skipped chapel to come home and sleep, worked from 1-4pm, came home to do chores, homework, and first shower since arrival before tutoring at Ben Lippen from 7-8pm. God's coolness: survived. Also, Zach was the sophomore from China I tutored and it went really well including finishing the time by praying out loud for him.

Please pray for the these last five weeks of school especially for three huge projects - 7 verses from Isaiah complete exegetical study and two Bible translation projects.

God is wonderful! Pray I know this forever!

California pictures



I begin tutoring at Ben Lippen High School, International Guy's House 3A, for 1 hour on Tuesday night the eleventh.


woah... i have a lot of work to do in these final six weeks.

would appreciate your prayers. :o)