
the beginning of break (in no particular order)

my cousin Lucy's Christmas present.

hike in lynchburg, va.

disneyland with franky and emmy.

playing with my camera and the christmas tree lights.

my adorable friend rebecca. bowling.



Followed Rules – maximum points 5
Appearance – maximum points 5
Taste – maximum points 10

4. Rebecca – I think maybe you’re right and it would be better in the oven. Cooking vinegar was not my favorite. You’ll have to cook it for me sometime you’re way.
Followed Rules – 4
Appearance – 4
Taste – 6
Total = 14

3. Heather – It was very easy and I enjoyed it but, honestly, I think I could just go with the soy sauce and not the teriyaki sauce. Next time, bring on the sushi!
Followed Rules – 5
Appearance – 3
Taste – 7
Total = 15

2. Mom – Great meal. The chicken was a little dry since I had to do it on the stove rather than in the oven but I will make it again sometime. Even Susanna commented on the delicious smell.
Followed Rules – 4
Appearance – 5
Taste – 8
Total = 17

…and the winner is…

1. Laurie – Delicious. I loved it and I’ve already made it again. I did change it slightly using chicken breast that I cut into small strips, extremely lean bacon, and the first time I did it I used jalapenos from a can (and didn’t take out the seeds which I should have done). The second time I used jalapenos from the produce section per your instructions but I also put a piece of onion with it. I have also thought about trying to incorporate a little jack cheese into it the next time I cook it. Excellent.
Followed Rules – 5
Appearance – 4
Taste – 9
Total = 18

Thanks to all of you who participated!


What is this a picture of?

Give me a brief three sentence creative story of what you see. Mom and Sam don't do it because you heard me talk about it already. If you've seen it before and know immediately what's going on, don't participate. We did this for one of my classes and I thought the teacher was lying about it.


Jonah went to Nineveh reluctantly, but he went. George MacDonald, the great Chrsitian poet and mystic, expresses beautifully the reluctance so many Christians still feel about serving God in an unfavorable environment.

I said: "Let me walk in the fields."
He said: "No walk in the town."
I said: "There are no flowers there."
He said: "No flowers, but a crown."

I said: "But the skies are black;
There is nothing but noise and din."
And He wept as He sent me back -
"There is more," He said: "There is sin."

I said: "But the air is thick
And fogs are veiling the sun."
He answered: "Yet souls are sick
And souls in the dark undone."

I said: "I shall miss the light,
And friends will miss me, they say."
He answered: "Choose tonight
If I am to miss you, or they."

I pleaded for time to be given;
He said: "Is it hard to decide?
It will not seem so hard in heaven
To have followed the steps of your Guide."

Then into His hand went mine,
And into my heart came He;
And I walk in a light divine
The path I had feared to see.

my friends

Sam, Christian, Jennie, and I went out to dinner last night. It was great. As Sam would say, "It was wondrous fellowship."


Eau Claire Basketball Game

Sam and I went to the ECHS girls and boys basketball game last night. The girls scored 64 points and crushed the CAJohnson team. Guys were behind briefly at the beginning but then kept their hold until the beginning of the 4th quarter where they ended up being smashed by CAJohnson who got a 13 point lead. CAJohnson won by 10, I believe.

Went straight to the NBA from Eau Claire. Class of '99.


Sammy Clause is coming to town!

Yeah, Sam is coming down for a few days.

Here's an update on some of life:
Last Tuesday Christian and I did our oral presentation for our ethnography and on Friday we finished the small book that we had to write and turned it in to Dr. Cashin. Praise is the Lord is all I can say! Afterwards I went to WalMart and bought green Christmas lights and yellow flowers to celebrate.

Home-made mac. and cheese with unsweetened apple sauce. You can't get much more comfortable than that.